When we relaunched our new website last month, we added some new features that some customers have mentioned they missed in the communications sent around that time. So I thought I'd highlight a few of the more popular ones below.
Re-ordering: If you would like to re-order products that you bought in the past, you no longer need to search and select them individually. Simply log into "My Account" where you'll find a record of everything you've previously purchased under "My Orders". You can click and add them to your cart directly.
Wishlist: If there are products that grab your eye, but you don't necessarily need them at the time of your visit, you can simple click the heart icon beside the item and this will save it to your personal Wishlist, also visible on your "My Account" page.
Recipe Room: If you find yourself running low on recipe inspiration, visit the Recipe Room, which houses 1.5 million recipes across 500 popular food websites from all over the world. You can search for ideas by using any number of categories: from the main ingredient itself (beef, fish, etc) to allergies, cooking time, recipe complexity or dietary restriction. Simply type in the details of what you're looking for, and we will instantly provide you with a fantastic array of recipe possibilities to match your needs.