Our Fish & Seafood Producers

Our Fish & Seafood Producers

Meet Matthew Webb, Dive Team Leader at Marine Produce Australia, one of our newest sustainable fish suppliers from Western Australia. Matthew is showing off a freshly caught Cone Bay Barramundi, a product we were thrilled to launch this week! 

I am often asked what makes Sasha's Fine Foods unique and special in a market crowded with many alternatives. I believe our "X" factor is the massive emphasis I place on where and how I source every single one of our products. I am particularly proud of our beautiful sustainable seafood, especially this week as we begin a significant expansion to our range - with almost a dozen new products coming your way! 

But before I tell you what they are, I'd like to introduce you to these fishermen and women like Matthew ... each stand-out suppliers in the world of sustainability. These are unique businesses run from the heart, by seafood producers who truly care about our oceans and bringing us the best produce in the world, with as little impact on our environment as possible. Come and visit them by clicking here to see for yourself what I believe is the best seafood in Singapore. 

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