We've known for a long time that salmon is a true super-food; from inflammation to blood pressure and disease prevention, salmon is unquestionably one of the most powerful foods available. Click here for a quick summary of why salmon is forever one of the best foods to eat.
Whilst we honour the nutritional facts, we do love when a new product lands so we can explore ways to eat and enjoy it ... after all, that's what food is ultimately about. So when our Mt. Cook Alpine Skinless Salmon was delivered (now a weekly feature), we could see this would be big news for sashimi lovers, as well as with parents looking for ways to get kids to eat smaller, bite-sized portions of cooked salmon (no skin in sight!).
We also wanted to share some other fantastic ways to work with raw salmon, so here are our top three picks. All tested and all divine.
Salmon Sashimi with Ginger & Hot Sesame Oil
Salmon Tartare with Fresh Herbs
And for kids, Skinless Salmon Skewers with Smashed Potatoes is a super-simple, fun way to introduce this super-food.
Note: Food Safety
While our salmon is fantastic for sushi, the consumption of raw food products may increase your risk of food-borne illnesses. It is up to the individual to eat it raw. Please consume the product prior to the 'best before' date, as this is when the fish is at its best quality. If you do not intend to eat the salmon within 2-3 days of delivery, we recommend you freeze it, to seal in the freshness.