Pork Roast. This English Pork Loin Joint is a high-quality, great-tasting, boneless loin joint, perfect for a roast. 1.5kg. Frozen.
The pork loin joint refers to the meat along the top of the pig's rib cage. It is a large piece of meat that is well suited for a roast, and is a popular cut for parties or a big dinner.
Score the skin (about 1cm deep) at intervals, then roast in the oven or BBQ on a spit for crisp, crackling skin.
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Refer to this recipe to enjoy the amazing quality of this pork loin.
About the producer
Wicks Manor, England

Wicks Manor, a family farm in Essex, England, has 50+ years experience raising pigs. I love visiting and seeing piglets playing in large straw pens, giving mum outside space for a break. The pigs mature naturally, with home grown nutritional feed free of nasties and plenty of clean water. Sheltered from nature's harsher elements, but with room to roam and play outside, the piglets’ quality of life is carefully managed. This care ensures Wicks Manor products develop a beautiful depth of flavour.